Quantum Biophotonics is an emerging cross-disciplinary field of research where advancements in quantum technologies are used to improve the existing methods and to develop new ones for sensing and imaging, applied especially to the biomedical sector. Within the framework of the BioQantSense project, financed under the HE grant 101079355 the main goal is to raise the scientific excellence of the Institute of Physics Belgrade through development of the state of the art center for quantum biophotonics. To this end, the first part of the project will be devoted to extensive sharing of knowledge and skills transfer, on both scientific and administration/management aspects, through strategic networking with high-profile European partners: the Italian National Research Council and the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. In the second part of BioQantSense, the acquired skills synergically combined with the expertise from a biologist from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade, will be fundamental to accomplish the exploratory research project whose main scientific goals will be achieved through: i) development of the imaging system based on quantum interference and quantum holography, ii) development of a miniaturized functional lab-on-chip platform for imaging micron-sized biological objects, and iii) integration of the two developments in a compact imaging device for cancer diagnostic purposes.