Strengthening Cooperation and Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges within the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region

Назив финансијера:
Европски фонд за регионални развој (European Regional Development Fund)
Позив по коме је пројекат одобрен за финансирање:
програм IPA Adrion, Interreg (IPA Adrion, Interreg program)
Вредност пројекта:
1.672.774,36 EUR
Почетак финансирања:
Завршетак финансирања:
Тип пројекта:
Институција носилац пројекта:
Универзитет Удине, Италија (University of Udine, Italy)

The project, titled „Strengthening Cooperation and Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges within the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region“ (acronym: 4PETHABECO), is implemented under the Interreg IPA ADRION program. The project’s goal is to conserve large carnivore populations by testing innovative solutions for their protection and habitat restoration, strengthening green infrastructure, reducing human-wildlife conflicts, and enhancing ecological connectivity. The long-term effects of the project will be ensured through the development of joint strategies and action plans for managing large carnivore populations in the Adriatic-Ionian region, as well as through the protection and improvement of habitat connectivity. This will further facilitate the implementation of strategic objectives of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region within the international initiative PET HAB ECO. The total estimated project value is approximately 1.67 million euros, of which 1.4 million euros are funded by the European Union (ADRION – Interreg program).

The lead partner of the project is the University of Udine (Italy). The project involves nine additional partner institutions: Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies (Slovenia), Hunting Association of Slovenia (Slovenia), Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (Serbia), OIKON (Croatia), Arcturos (Greece), Venetian Cluster (Italy), CZIP – Center for Protection and Study of Birds (Montenegro), Igea MAK (North Macedonia), PPNEA (Albania), additionally, there are seven associated partners, including Tara National Park. The project started in 2024 and will last for three years.

Носилац пројекта

Чланови пројекта

Strengthening Cooperation and Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges within the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region Пројекат под називом „Јачање сарадње и...