20th International Congress of Myriapodology

Датум почетка скупа:
Датум завршетка скупа:
Место одржавања скупа:
Сребрно језеро, Србија / Srebrno jezero, Serbia

Биолошки факултет


We have the great honour and pleasure to invite you to the 20th International Congress of Myriapodology, which will take place for the first time in the Balkan Peninsula, a region with a long history of myriapodological research and a hotspot of subterranean biodiversity.

The congress is the most important event for Myriapoda and Onychophora scientists and aims to promote friendship, knowledge exchange and co-operation between myriapodologists and onychophorologists worldwide.

Since 1968 (Paris), the International Congress of Myriapodology has brought together professionals and amateurs who have dedicated their scientific careers to the marvellous terrestrial animals – Myriapoda and Onychophora. The congress is organised in collaboration with the International Society for Myriapodology. So far, the event has taken place 19 times, on all continents (except Antarctica), in different countries and cities.

Универзитет у Београду расписује Конкурс за најбољи научно-истраживачки и стручни рад студената у 2024. години.
