13th International Congress on Haploid Markers

Датум почетка скупа:
Датум завршетка скупа:
Место одржавања скупа:
Хотел Метропол, Београд, Србија / Hotel Metropol, Belgrade, Serbija

Биолошки факултет


We are delighted to inform you about the upcoming 13th International Congress on Haploid Markers, to be held from May 21 to May 24, 2025 at the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia, hosted by the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade.

The Congress, proudly organized under the endorsement of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), has a long-standing tradition. Since its beginning in Berlin in 1996, it has been held in prominent cities such as Porto, Ancona, Innsbruck, Brussels, Bydgoszcz, and Budapest. Now, this esteemed event will take place in Belgrade, a city at the crossroads of key European migration routes located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, beneath the ancient Kalemegdan Fortress.

Belgrade is one of Europe’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, with a rich history dating back to 5700 BC. From the ancient Vinča culture to its role as a strategic stronghold during the Roman and Ottoman empires, Belgrade has been shaped by countless cultures. Today, it is a vibrant and modern city, known for its hospitality, excellent cuisine and lively entertainment scene.

We are excited to welcome you to Belgrade, where we hope to gather the world’s leading experts, researchers and practitioners in forensic genetics, continuing the great enthusiasm that has defined past Haploid Markers Congresses. This event promises to be an essential platform for discussing innovations, sharing knowledge and fostering collaborations that will push the boundaries of haploid marker research.

We warmly invite you to join us and contribute to discussions on:

  • The further forensic application of MPS technology in haploid marker research;
  • Guidelines and recommendations for interpreting haploid marker results;
  • Ancestry and genealogical analyses using haploid markers;
  • Identification of human remains;
  • Testing evidence in sexual assault cases;
  • Improving statistical methods for evaluating the weight of evidence in haploid marker analyses;
  • Advanced statistical tools for population genetics;
  • Application of rapidly mutating Y-STR markers;
  • The role of haploid markers in the justice system;
  • Notable casework examples.

We look forward to welcoming you to Belgrade for an exciting exchange of ideas!


Dušan Keckarević (UB, Faculty of Biology)
Milica Keckarević Marković (UB, Faculty of Biology )
Dejan Šorgić (ILM, Niš)
Walther Parson (ILM, Innsbruck)
Sascha Wiluweit (State police, Berlin)
Lutz Roewer (Berlin, founder of HM workshop series)

Универзитет у Београду расписује Конкурс за најбољи научно-истраживачки и стручни рад студената у 2024. години.
